Yarn production often results in a lot of wasted fibre, which either falls of the machinery or is pulled out through the vacuum extractor. In our mill we collect this wasted fibre, clean it up and put it back into the production line to create a robust and unique yarn.
The coloured variants are either dyed reclaimed fibre or dyed by us prior to spinning. All dyed yarn is run in small batches - please ensure you purchase enough for your project as these colours are not repeatable (due to the nature of the fibre).
This yarn is similar to the , except that this is 100% percent reclaimed fibre. Lofty, woolen spun, non-superwash. Perfect for sweaters, beanies, vests and more!
200m DK/8ply
Note: in the photo of the dyed yarn, the colours are (left to right): Red, Orange, Mauve and Green.